Tim Rodgers
Hanshi 10th Dan. Founding member US Rengokai. Board of Directors
Kaicho, Okinawa Shorinji-Ryu Tode Zentokukai
62 years experience.
Sensei Tim Rodgers began studying Okinawan Shoreikan Gojuryu Karate in 1957 at the age of 12 under Sensei Benjiko Pusan in Miami, Florida. He attained the rank of Nidan (black belt 2nd degree) by the time he joined the Navy in 1963. Sensei Rodgers proudly served 3 tours in Vietnam flying Helicopters and would do it all over again if he had the choice. After his combat duty he was transfered to Pensacola Florida (HT-8 8-Ballers Squadron) where he taught helicopter combat tactics and was discharged in 1970. While in Pensacola he was a member of the Navy karate team competing and participating in demonstrations around the country.
Upon returning to Miami, he learned that Sensei Pusan had relocated to northern Florida, but he could not be located. That same year he met fellow Karate-ka Mike Daog, who was a black belt in Seibukan Shorinji-Ryu under Sensei Edward Takae. After training with Mike Daog for a few months, arrangements were made for Tim Rodgers to meet with Sensei Takae in Tampa and it was at this time that he officially became a student of Sensei Takae and a member of the International Seibukan Karatedo Association (ISKA). From 1970 until 1996 Sensei Tim Rodgers ran the Miami Seibukan dojo under the ISKA North American Branch. From 1993 to 1996 he was the association’s Vice President.
In 1996 he attained the rank of Godan (black belt 5th degree). In 1997 he left the ISKA, and co-founded the Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Zentokukai Karatedo Association serving as the association’s Kaicho (president) with his senior student Angel Lemus (Vice President), and former ISKA member Jim Pizii (Secretary/Treasurer) and with Walter Dailey who came aboard as a council.
Sensei Rodgers leads the Zentokukai with the same passion and devotion that he holds for the art of Karate-do. He is dedicated to the preservation of the old ways and keeping the Zentokukai honest and true. Sensei Rodgers’ dojo is the Saichan-Kan in Miami, Florida, which is the Association’s Hombu Dojo.